Holiday Workshops
Spring vacation workshop
Full Day Ballet Camp with diverse program ages 5-8yrs and Professional Workshop for ages 9yrs and above. Register now to limited space.
Full Day Ballet Camp with diverse program ages 5-8yrs and Professional Workshop for ages 9yrs and above. Register now to limited space.
Modern Dance Workshop mit Tänzer und Choreograph Jorge Garcia Pérez vom Theater Basel.
Students in workshop have a chance to have choreography made on them to perform on last day of workshop.
December 28-31th/ 13.30-15.30/ 11yrs and older
Workshop tuition Sfr. 250.
December 28-31th/ 10.30-12.30 / Adults
Workshop tuition sfr. 250.
Ballet Workshop with Yen Han
December 28-31th: 10.00-12.00/ Ages 10yrs and older
Workshop tuition sfr. 250.
December 28-31th: 13.00-14.30/ Ages 6-9yrs
Workshop tuition sfr.230.